This Information Centre is situated on the square in Jiřetín pod Jedlovou, a village right in the far north of the Czech Republic, on the Šluknov promontory in the protected landscape area of Lusatian Mountains. The centre of the village is the ideal starting point for a trip to the ruined castle of Tolštejn, where the Tolštejn Festivities are held every year on the first full weekend in June. From the castle there is a wonderful view of the surrounding area, particularly the third highest peak of the Lusatian Mountains, Jedlová (774 m), with its 23-metre-high stone lookout tower. Jiřetín is also home to the most well preserved Stations of the Cross in the Šluknovsko region, which appeared in the film version of Mácha’s epic poem Máj.
The Information Centre is run by MAS Šluknovsko, which organises the game A Wander through the Tolštejn Estate. The game is open to anyone, regardless of age or other restrictions. Players collect stamps to put in their Tolštejn Estate Wanderer’s Passbook.