Located in the Křinice River Valley, which was important in the past when floating logs to Saxony. Since the 19th century, the valley has been a sought-after tourist destination which is reflected by romantic landscaping of adjacent rock formations and by giving them names such as Fraternal Boulders (Bratrské kameny), Lion's Cave (Lví jeskyně), Bear's Den (Medvědí doupě), Treasure House (Klenotnice), Wood Nymphs' Cave (Jeskyně víl), Wine Cellar (Vinný sklep). Some rocks in the valley are provided with memorial plaques commemorating prominent personalities of the region such as Johann Hille, M.D. - chairman of the Mountain Association for the northernmost Bohemia (Gebirgsverein für das nördlichste Böhmen) in the town of Krásná Lípa, or brothers Eduard and František Bienerts - researchers in the field relating to national history and geography from the town of Šluknov. The Kyjovské Valley is also part of the Kögler Nature Trail (Köglerova naučná stezka) which is the oldest nature trail in Bohemia. It was established by Rudolf Kögler (a native of Krásná Lípa) in 1941. A small village of Kyjov near Krásná Lípa with timbered cottages is also worth visiting. Start at the parking lot and follow the red-marked trail past the Dix's Mill (Dixův mlýn) and further down the Křinice River as far as the turning to steep wooden steps which will lead you (through a rock crevasse) to the Kinský Vantage Point (Kynského vyhlídka). From there you can see the opposite rock tops above the valley. From here, you can follow the Kyjov Rock Trail (Kyjovská skalní stezka). This ingeniously-built trail with a number of steps and ladders goes through a rugged terrain offering a great many views of various rock formations.